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Amazon.com Inc.

Why e-book DRM will die, and why this will make no difference to Amazon and Apple Summary: DRM on e-books will die. Frightened publishers will see to it that it happens.The U.S. Department of Justice’s decision to investigate Apple and five publishers over alleged collusion in e-book prices and sales models has sparked off an interesting side-debate on the subject of DRM and hardware lock-in.Regular readers will know that I’m no fan of DRM. That’s not because I want to enthus.. 더보기
Should the DoJ investigate e-book DRM and hardware lock-in? Summary: The problem is that when you start to examine lock-in to specific hardware, you’re opening a can of worms.U.S. antitrust regulators have decided that it is now time to go after various publishers, and Apple, alleging collusion in e-book prices and sales models. But there is one subject that is absent from the lawsuit: DRM.Should the Justice Dept. extend the lawsuit to cover the DRM lock.. 더보기
Amazon taps new audience with Spanish-language e-bookstore Summary: By expanding the wealth of its library, Amazon has an opportunity to get ahead of the competition to reach a much larger audience and draw them into the Kindle platform.While the world waits as an e-book pricing settlement nears or not, Amazon is pushing full steam ahead with another e-book project that will greatly expand its Kindle audience base.Amazon has introduced “eBooks Kindle en.. 더보기
Will Android tablets overtake the iPad by 2015? Summary: Android tablet makers, being a disparate bunch of OEMs, aren’t in a position to plan and organize a proper campaign against Apple. According to the prognosticators over at IDC, worldwide shipments of Android tablets will overtake the iPad by 2015. All the other players will see their sales shipments crushed, and Windows 8-powered ARM tablets don’t even figure into IDC’s results at all. .. 더보기