Compare with Samsung & LG Dispaly |
I compare with LG & Samsung
Windows 7
I may ask to Apple Korea Limited How could i make sure my client with this Laptop and who guarantee make sure?
wiliys Jamsil Branch has been test LCD change to LG to Samsung
a# Samsung Branch(left) has bee tested same contrast but color different. Right is more bright .
When i was read other blogger he said Retina Display it is The best & perfect display of the world. But LCD panel could not matchable with when it comes to performance degradation due to overheating of the surrounding components and complete issue is a serious level. More over for only solution is replace of LCD Panel. Also i fill need genius bar need as in Korea
Please what is different with please flowing links. Click
Most important thinks is not brand. How have good career.
White Line as Screen
World display market has top brand is only Samsung and LG. But both of company best brand in Korea. Competing technologies of both companies is important, but the most important thing is the right of consumers.Randomly LCD Disply., The manufacturer's decisionAnd the fact that there is no way to replace the LCD Display except encountered the same problem within the warranty period, and the Quality of the unit at the time of assembly and replacement parts from the outside of course affects the remaining period.
Apple passed on the left the responsibility to the consumer, the consumers' rights, and only released not made the right way narrow and acceptance point of the user, the resulting economic loss, do not admit their mistakes no, the important thing is dealer is the problem of the Displayto the customer asks to proof.Within ten (10) days, then began two days in a word, think I'll replace the entire system.
Choose Samsung, Steve Jobs, Tim Cook, was opposed to the Samsung. Reality, as well as in Korea, Apple's policy is unreasonable.
As Samsung LCD Technology transfer from Sony, LG form Philips French, LG IPS Type LCD The first of Korean Market now, Also Samsung R&D for IPS Panel will lunch soon. This summer Apple lunch the 5 generation iPad this summer July or august will sourcing from LG or Sharp. LG Display good contrast and brattiness and contrast for macbook retina display. Samsung OLED AMOLED it is more brightness than LG. And Samsung has good customer service in Korea. Until now Samsung and LG sourcing to LCD Korean Market LG was 23.6% taken market.
So who will get champion on this party?
As some ask me for hot to get all information from. All information from read books, News paper, Magazine, News feed form Internet news group, Technical Advisor of product manager form manufacture company, Economy magazine form Korean stock market, Bloggers Script, As also monitoring everyday newspaper on internet, search offline market, ask for user claim form AASP. And thinks for decide for thinks positive for final diction. And unpaid.
As bellows form i been read book Inside Apple (Adam Lashinsky). It is good read and as know well of Company Apple Limited Company.
More information is.
Super AMOLED Vs Retina Vs OLED Vs LCD Vs IPS: What’s the Difference?
As Samsung LCD Technology transfer from Sony, LG form Philips French, LG IPS Type LCD The first of Korean Market now, Also Samsung R&D for IPS Panel will lunch soon. as more samsung already has Sync master and Samtron but IPS type will release with other brand. This summer Apple lunch the 5 generation iPad this summer July between August will sourcing from LG or Sharp. LG Display good contrast and brattiness and contrast for macbook retina display. Samsung OLED AMOLED it is more brightness than LG. And Samsung has good customer service in Korea. Until now Samsung and LG sourcing to LCD Korean Market.
Most important point is not only even mayor brand also upgrade technical support include customer service quality will how much customer happiness.
System has been visit to U-Base Gangnam Branch for test for after LCD replacement(LCD replacement process on Willy's Jamsil Branch) spend 3days(U-Base Gangnam Branch) and still same and technician confirm for system still have hardware problem. Also that branch also when i was visit to first time for system found hardware problem confirm to me. Thank you for your support.
I may have to ask to Apple Limited Company. My system still have same problem with LCD pannel, and since april 2013 test with Won Tae, Kim (Team Leader of Custom Relation Apple Limited Korea and his Team) Have you ever check about Apple products, service standards, Republic of Korea from Apple 1 Year Limited Warranty i flowed 2time as Willy's Jamsil Branch(inc Replacement LCD Pannel form LG to Samsung), 1time for Ubase Gangnam for LCD pannel.
Most important issue from when system use and stop turn over to sleep mode issue from sleep mode click any keyboard system suddenly turn-off. It is already report to Ubase Gangnam.
소비자 피해 유형 |
보 상 내 용 | Check List |
보증기간내 정상적 사용중에 발생한 재료나 기술에 대해 하자에 의한 고장 |
구입 후 10일 이내 중요한 수리를 해야 할 경우 |
제품 교환 또는 환급 |
구매처에 화면이상으로 보고했으나 배경화면이상으로 판단하여 거절됨. |
구입 후 1개월 이내 중요한 수리를 해야 할 경우 |
제품 교환 또는 무상 수리 | Apple에 보고 하였으나 unknown issue로 인해 Asia Apple support에 Escalation후, 처리기간 3주를 Apple에서 임의 사용함. 사용자에게 통보 없었음. 그럼으로 Apple에게 일방적으로 통보 받음. 기간이 지남으로 해당사항 없음으로. 판단되어 일부 진행이 지연됨 3주후에 Apple로부터 확인되지 않은 Issue라 하여, 추후 진행 여부등에 대한 아무 일정 통보 받지 못하고,일단락됨. 그 이후 시스템의 잔 고장은 상황별로 다르게 나타남. 구매후 1주일 이내에 요청 하였으나, Care Pack구매 여부만 확인함. 또는 구매 할것을 요청받음. |
제품 구입시 운송과정 및 제품 설치중에 피해가 발생하는 경우 |
제품 교환 | 해당사항 없음 |
교환된 제품이 1개월 이내에 중요한 수리를 해야 하는 고장이 발생한 경우 |
환 급 | 윌리스잠실점에세 교체후, 깜박임 증상 및 출력 깨짐등 증상 발생. |
수리 가능 |
제품 교환이 불가능 한 경우 |
동일한 원인으로 고장이 2회째가지 발생한 경우 |
수리가능 | 동일한 증상으로 고장이 2회까지 진행 되었음에도 불구하고, 장비를 입고하여 테스트를 해줄것을 요구함. |
동일한 원인으로 고장이 3회 이상 발생한 경우 |
제품 교환 또는 환급 | 동일한 원인으로 고장이 3회 발생함으로 인해, 최종적으로 Apple에 통보함. 액정을 교환한 이후에도 동일한 증상이 나타남에도불구하고 일방적인 테스트와 부품교체로 인해 오히려, 제품의 내구성을 떨어뜨리는 역할을 한다고 경고 하였으나 제품보증서에 Apple이 요구하는 사항에 대해서 사용자가 응하지 않을경우, 불이익을 당할수 있다는 문구에 의해 교체 작업을 진행 하였으나, 상황은 동일함. Apple은 Warranty기간이 곧 끝남에 따라 Care Pack을 구매 해 줄것을 요구함. 일방적으로 사용자에게 매우 불리한 조건으로 선택의 여지가 없음. |
서로 다른 원인으로 고장이 5회이상 발생한 경우 |
현재 발생한 모든 Issue가 Apple의 중요제품 사용설명서와 보증서에 나와 있는 내용에 해당되지 않음. Apple은 그때 그때 상황에 대처하고 있으나 테스트의 결과에 대해서 사용자는 알길이 없음. | |||
소비자가 수리 의뢰한 제품을 Apple이나 그 대리인이 분실 한 경우 |
해당사항 없음 | |||
수리용 부품을 보유하고 있지 않아 수리가 불가능한 경우 |
AS에 문의 하였으나, 부품을 따로 보유 하고 있지 않았고, 상황에 따라 Apple Korea에 주문하여 Part를 제공 받음으로, 수리를 하기 위해 일부 시간을 할애 해야 함. 부품을 본사로 부터 AS센터로 공급받은 뒤에 일이 진행 됨으로 센터는 제고가 남지 않아 부담은 없지만 고객은 시간적인 소모가 많음. 중간 중간 Care Pack을 구매 해 줄것을 요청함. 대부분 오전에 Part를 신청하면 오후에, 조금 늦으면, 다음날에 지급이 됨으로 인해, 부품지급을 받는데 최소 2일 소요. | |||
수리용 부품은 있으나 수리가 불가능한 경우 |
해당사항 없음. |
From : 032212 Mac Portables Warranty Korean V2.1
현 상태 Slleep Mode에서 빠져 나오면서 시스템이 꺼짐. 또는 화면의 색상이 변함. LG, Samsung 동일함.
I was bring Macbook Pro Retina(Mid 2012) to Genius Bar at Apple Store ifc Mall HongKong with all photo capture.
Special Thanks To : Won Tae, Kim (Team Leader of Custom Relation Apple Limited Korea and his Team)
Oh, Wan Sik & All AASP (Technical Support form Willy's Jamsil Branch He moved to Sinsa Branch Now)
Ho Chul, Lee(Technical Support form Ubase Gangnam Branch) He was suggest of replacement prat LCD, Keyboard, Logic Board, I/O Board
And many thanks to all Subscriber.
All document even this blog also Apple Korea Limited Company, Custom Relations Team was proved. And Apple and i will discussion with after this time.
Jerry Kim (Please do not send spam mail)
PS .Spam mail original meaning from