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Goldenbeach Resort, Kangwon Do

Sunrise at Goldenbeach Resort

 Copyright(C)2011 by Jerry Kim. All pictures cannot be download, file transfer & copied without permission.

The Photo Artists' Society of Korea

ID : 11-9859

 All post photo have Copyright it self. Edit by Adobe Creative Master Collection CS3 Photoshop| Camera ROW V4.0 | Adobe Lightroom V3.6

' Portfolio > Landscape' 카테고리의 다른 글

Sunset of Seochon, Chungnam  (0) 2012.10.10
Sunrise of River Ganges  (0) 2012.09.29
Sunrise of River Ganges  (0) 2012.09.24
Tyndall phenomenon at Turcky  (0) 2012.09.19
Sunset HarborView at HongKong  (0) 2012.09.19