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Sunrise of River Ganges


 Copyright(C)2011 by Jerry Kim. All pictures cannot be download, file transfer & copied without permission.

The Photo Artists' Society of Korea
ID : 11-9859

 All post photo have Copyright it self. Edit by Adobe Creative Master Collection CS3 Photoshop| Camera ROW V4.0 | Adobe Lightroom V3.6 |

' Portfolio > Landscape' 카테고리의 다른 글

Sunrise of River Ganges (Gold Version)  (0) 2013.01.01
Sunset of Seochon, Chungnam  (0) 2012.10.10
Sunrise of River Ganges  (0) 2012.09.24
Tyndall phenomenon at Turcky  (0) 2012.09.19
Sunset HarborView at HongKong  (0) 2012.09.19