I’m hearing a lot of complaints about the iPhone 4S (and for that matter iOS 5) in general related to battery life. It seems that some people are finding that they’re not getting as much out of their battery as they used to.
Want to uncover iOS 5 ’secrets’? Check out these posts! Part 1 | Part 2
It’s seems that excessive battery consumption is a common complaint for the initial releases of iOS updates, and something that gets fixed by Apple (or at least improved on) with subsequent updates.
Fortunately, there’s a lot you can do to help you squeeze more out of each charge. Let’s take a look at a few things you can do.
Note: I’ve tested every single one of these options and each one does seem to have a positive impact on battery life. I’m not suggestion you employ all of them, but turning off what you don’t use makes a lot of sense.
Drop the screen brightness
One of the easiest ways to improve battery life on the iPhone is to drop the screen brightness. When I updated my iPhone 4 from iOS 4 to iOS 5, Apple jacked the brightness up to an unnecessary ’supernova’ level. Unless I’m outdoors, I usually keep my screen pretty dim.
Settings > Brightness
Auto-Lock the screen
Set it to go off after a minute or two.
Settings > General > Auto-Lock
Selectively turn off/on radios
If you don’t need WiFi or Bluetooth or 3G, turn off the radios!
Settings > General > Bluetooth
Enter the Airplane mode
Location, location, location!
Settings > General > Location Services
Disable diagnostics
Another possible battery-eating culprit in iOS 5 is Diagnostic & Usage data:
Settings > General > About > Diagnostics & Usage
Don’t go to the cloud
iCloud syncing takes a lot of juice too. Turns off what you’re not using at:
Kill off background apps
The last resort
Be your own recharge station
Bonus tip!
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