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Technical Review

Social Plug-in setting of Microsoft Outlook

1)     Microsoft Outlook Social Connector 32-bit

This tool is management of social network from Microsoft Outlook more easy to connect to all Social Network Service.

When install apps double click outlook  go to 
tools and Social Network Account Settings click

After all account blank Put information of each account. Then click connect

Than download Facebook plug-in for Outlook
      Microsoft Outlook Social Connector Provider for Facebook

      http://www.microsoft.com/download/en/details.aspx?id=5039 down load second 
     OSCFB-x86-en-us.exe 12.0 MB 
this file support to as normal system 32Bit

       facebook plug-in after installation could not read at outlook when you click facebook

       button connect to website.


 Microsoft Outlook Social Connector Provider for Windows Live Messenger  

 (Optional If you use Windows Live Messenger)


3)    LinkedIn Outlook connector.

http://www.linkedin.com/outlook click flowing link download than setting at

Social Network Account Settings

Will management address book at outlook address (vcf file.)

Like this.

As can read not to connect to facebook and LinkedIn site. Management you connection at outlook. As real time. Any message check at Outlook.

2) & 3)
 both of use at outlook.

After setting you will know who use service when you send message window right side bottom image will see if user add own image of address book. Like that

If customer LinkedIn user linked logo is right side of bottom.

Twitter plug-in for Outlook 2007




As also address file download form Linkedin and possible to add to Outlook.


5)     Finally what kind of vaccine use of you system. I suggestion of AVG Internet Security.

AVG Anti-Virus Free Edition 2011 for License will expire year 2018


 AVG Internet Security handling of spam mail as also management. Just wander of memory because of vaccine software much system resource need. As this software is optional either.

This configuration must be use base os from Windows XP, Vista, Windows7 and outlook 2003, 2007, 2010 as Windows Live account with internet connection.