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Cloud serviced for personal management. How to?

Most of smartphone include digital camera function and high technology. Between compare with digital camera.I always see both of side technology, of art too. 

But smartphone has many function from PC and other electronic equipment. As also good performance too. As also always over of people exception. People not use all function. But only one things i ask to manufacture company please design smartphone put bigger flash memory. And extra memory will get optional not must requirement.

Because people thought more easy to use. Many cloud service is very useful but people doesn't know how to combine each service. As also they didn't know how to use and why need. 

Manufacture company have to thought  always to be user side. User doesn't want to complicate as also my case want to fully non stop service with storage. 

Apple has iCloud service for 5GB some of image upload between how long or how much value of data but most use for backup data as in this case only one time for backup data over 80% will full so fast doesn't need management. Other storage service combine as also not much good idea reason is when people will get stress of jamming during download and upload data. That thinks also correlation of bill payment. 

Dropbox service to 2GB. Microsoft Sky Drive, Fiabee, Box.net all service has application for Apple, Android all service is good. If you want to use this service will search full sentence for example How to combine cloud service with smartphone.  As also combine to Facebook and sometime twitter. Find button. 

I have this result. As flowing links here. Many blogger and advance user will introduce explain to how to use.  

Evernote is like scheduler application as also automatically sync with you outlook and pc of your personal  important data.  

It is very useful service for smartphone and normal user also. But as user have to know how combine you will get more storage How to use between your management performance

I mean is people doesn't want to over-payment  for when they bought smartphone after. Will combine to storage service will get data service with telecommunication company.

 My personal opinion is when people life is easy to use all equipment getting more will lost something. Like noise of LP sound. I also missed to LP noise sound. 

Mass-media  announced every term brand new release smartphone and technology as also how much grow industry and more easy life coming

Most important is not mess-media. Your experience. And share other people will get more information soon and easy.

Don't for get if you want to right answer from search-engine fast. Put fully sentence. With a direct object.