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Smart Phone News

How to charge your phone in an emergency

When your phone dies, part of you dies with it.

You see that battery meter dwindling down to zero. There's a knot in your stomach. You'd pay anything just to squeeze another 10 minutes from your phone.

Your panic is justified. Not only does a dead phone battery cut you off from communication with the outside world, but it strips you of your contact book as well. There was a time when I could remember close to a dozen phone numbers off the top of my head. But today, I can barely remember my wife's number without the aid of my phone.

Fortunately, there are a number inexpensive charging accessories you can stock up on that will save your hide in an emergency. Many of these you can keep in your car's glove compartment, and a few make a nice addition to a household emergency kit.

The following gallery includes a general roundup of your emergency charging options, along with a few surprises not shown in the above video.