Summary: Samsung has announced the Galaxy Beam, an updated version of a phone it announced in 2010.
Looking to differentiate its products in anyway posible at this year’s Mobile World Congress, Samsung announced an updated version of the Galaxy Beam, a smartphone equipped with a built-in projector.
If that sounds familiar, then its because Samsung announced almost the exact same device two years ago. The original Galaxy Beam featured a 3.7-inch display and ran Android 2.1, and its cousin adds some fairly minor additions to that with a 4-inch screen and Android 2.3. The newer Galaxy Beam’s light output has also increased to 15 lumens, up from the 9 lumens the original Beam was capable of emitting.
However, besides the projector, there really isn’t much to pay attention to the Galaxy Beam. For one, its inclusion of Android 2.3 is pretty incongruous, especially as nearly every other phone announced recently is jumping on the Android 4.0 train.
Expect it in the second quarter of this year.
I thought this model upgrade form
AMOLED Beam -SPH-W9600 projector phone
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